Thursday, November 06, 2008

It's a new day today!
It was quite the election last night. Let the healing begin.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year.

Waking up to a new white blanket of snow today was just perfect for my 2008 attitude. The white stuff covered everything here, and made things look nice and new.

As I look back at the past year, the first thing that grabs me is that time is flying by.

I spent a lot of time in the studio, recording all kinds of music from bands to singer songwriters. I scored some drum hardware on Ebay and fixed up my recording kit. Purchased a Line 6 modeling guitar and have been having fun playing in alternate tunings, switching them on the fly. Picked up a firewire Mackie mixer and have been experimenting with it. The firewire stuff works nicely. Got a Mac and have been learning to record with it.

I will work on more recordings and plan on expanding the full band's performances after I record our next CD.

Have a great New Year!

and now I shovel my driveway.